Donnerstag, 12. Juli 2012


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So once upon a time, there was this gifted young lady jolly know-it-all that everybody calls 'Nouri' (everybody means everybody except for those who call me 'Kristina'). This is me.

Student at daytime and superhero at night, I felt that I could fulfill the requirements of a class called 'International Advertising'. They say 'If it doesn't kill you, it makes you stronger' ... right?

So far, so good.

2 weeks, 2 books and some articles later, I did not only learn how to memorize 20 names in 10 minutes [dope!] and that american teachers are way cooler than german teachers, but also a lot about global advertising.

This blog is the result of a two-week international advertising class held by Suda Ishida from Hamline University in St.Paul, MN (USA). Thank you so much for the nice class!


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